Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catch up continued...

Then these pictures are from the ward Christmas party. This year 2010, Sydney asked Santa for a pillow pet. He brought her the one that looks like a ladybug.Then right after Christmas comes Sydney's birthday. Her 5 year old party was a costume party. Her friends came dressed in costumes, then in these pictures we used 2 of our Halloween costumes to do a relay race in. There were 2 teams and they each had to put their team's costume on then pose for a picture. I don't remember which team won, it was probably the pirate costume team because most of the people on that team were a little older. These pictures are of her friends Jackson, (in his ninja costume under the pirate costume) and Molly (in the Elmo costume). Her other friends that are in the pictures are Landon, Allison, Janie and Makenzie.
Jackson and Stephan got along well as we dressed them up as marshmellow men!

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Kiddos Birthdays

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

This is a link to the photobucket slideshow I made