Sunday, January 20, 2008

play group

There is an unofficial "ward" play group that Sydney and I occasionally play with on Fridays. Truthfully, since Fridays are Eran's days off, I often forget about play group (even when I was supposed to be in charge of the activity - oops), but this week I got a reminder phone call, and the activity sounded fun, so we went. We were making cars out of cardboard and then watching a movie. Here is Sydney in her car drinking her Capri-Sun and snaking on popcorn. We watched some "Ducktales" shows, but Sydney's attention span only lasted as long as her drink did.


sunnytosh said...

my ward has been promising something like this since we moved in. maybe if I show them these pictures they'll get enthused about the idea and start it up!

melissa said...

In the first picture, Sydney looks like she's either crying or upset with you for taking yet another picture of her. :)

Kiddos Birthdays

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

This is a link to the photobucket slideshow I made