Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tough Weekend

I have lots and lots of pictures I have taken recently, but I'm not posting any currently, I'm too tired. I just have to vent about this weekend! Why is it some days are impossible to sell training classes at work. I got at least 5 promises to come in this week and sign up, but last week when we needed the sales, nobody was paying. I only collected 1 commission for all week. I'm also feeling punished for my faith - it's really more of a trial, but my husband is mad at me for paying tithing. That made us all in a real chipper mood for our family pictures we had taken today. Of course, my feelings right now are to give up, throw in the towel, it's not worth all the heartache. Any suggestions? Not that anyone wants to comment on this depressing entry, let alone finish reading it...


melissa said...

I've got a your good friend, Melissa and make plans to hang out while she is in town. I'm going shopping today, if you want to come. :)

Xena said...

okay, maybe dinner tomorrow - but if I get to use the computer downstairs I'll post our daughter's pictures on our blog!

melissa said...

Sounds good. When and where? And I want copies of those pics, by the way. Email 'em to me or whatever. Good call. How'd you know I'd check this?

Karalenn Hippen said...

Hey Hanner. Sorry Sunday was such a bummer. I'm glad we got to take pics with you and eat dinner together though. It's a brave and sincere person who will post hard stuff too, not just cheery. I sure love ya! Let me watch Sid anytime so you can get some thinking time in at the temple or just come over here and hang out with me. I sure could always use the company. :)

Kiddos Birthdays

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

This is a link to the photobucket slideshow I made